Table of contents for “Ideal World”

1. Introduction
2. Highly Evolved Cultures
3. Primitive Cultures
4. How to get there?
5. Closing

Good evening everyone. Today, I will be sharing a preview of the Ideal World. This ideal world is made possible by highly evolved beings (forming this highly evolved cultures). As a quick introduction, let me insert tidbits from Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God.

Neale: Is there life on other planets? Are Your children elsewhere in the universe?

God: Of course.

Neale: Are these civilizations more advanced?

God: Some of them, yes.

Neale: In what way?

God: In every way. Technologically, Politically, Socially, Spiritually, Physically, and psychologically.

For instance, your penchant for, your insistence upon, comparisons, and your constant need to characterize something as “better” or “worse”, “higher” or “lower”, “good” or “bad” demonstrates how far into duality you have fallen; how deeply into separatism you have submerged.

Neale: In more advanced civilizations You do not observe these characteristics? And what do You mean by duality?

God: The level of a society’s advancement is reflected inevitably, in the degree of its duality thinking. Social evolution is demonstrated by movements towards unity, not separatism.

Neale: What else marks a society as either “primitive” or “advanced”?

God: The degree to which it implements its own highest understandings.

This is different from what you believe. You believe that a society should be called primitive or advanced based on how high its understandings are. But what good are the highest understandings if you do not implement them?

The answer is, they are no good at all. Indeed, they are dangerous.

It is the mark of a primitive society to call regression progress. Your society has moved backward, not forward. Much of your world demonstrated more compassion several years ago than it does today.

From this point on, I will be enumerating and explaining characteristics of the highly evolved cultures (HEB) which makes up the Ideal World (Utopia). These characteristics/ideas come from Neale’s Conversations with God series.

  • Unity – Value of Life

The first guiding principle of advanced civilization is unity. Acknowledgment of the Oneness, and the sacredness of all life. And so what we find in all elevated societies is that under no circumstances would one being willfully take the life of another of its own species against its will.

An example of this is the way of the Native Americans, who would not even pick a flower, an herb, or a plant without having this communication (asking the spirits for permission to kill it for food or hide).

  • Sharing

Highly Evolved Beings share everything. With everyone. Not a being goes without. All the natural resources of their world, of their environment, are divided equally, and distributed to everyone.

A nation or a group or a culture isn’t thought to “own” a natural resource simply because it happens to occupy the physical location where that resource is found.

The planet (or planets) which a group of species calls “home” is understood to belong to everyone – to all the species in that system. Indeed, the planet or group of planets itself is understood to be a “system”. It is viewed as a whole system, not as a bunch of little parts or elements, any one of which can be eliminated, decimated, or eradicated without damage to the system itself.

  • Each individual being is important

The fact that individual beings do matter is reflected in the fact that effect on the speciesystem is uppermost when considering any decision.

Speciesystem – Ecology + the relationship of the inhabitants to themselves, to each other, and to the environment. In short, it is the interrelationship of all the species of life.

It is understood that the speciesystem supports all life, and every being, at the optimum level. Doing nothing that would harm the speciesystem is therefore a statement that each individual being is important.

Not only the individual beings with status or influence or money. Not only the individual being with power or size or the presumption of greater self-awareness. All beings, and all species, in the system.

  • Understanding of the Needs and Balance / Priorities

Within a speciesystem, the needs need to be treated equally, but the needs themselves are not all equal. It is a question of proportion, and of balance.As an illustration, let use two living species: “trees” and “humans”.Obviously, trees do not require as much daily “maintenance” as humans. So their needs are not equal. Yet they are interrelated. That is, one species depends on the other. You must pay attention to the needs of trees as to the needs of humans, but the needs themselves are not as great. Yet if you ignore the needs of one species of living things, you do so at your peril.Trees convert carbon dioxide, which is plentiful in our atmosphere, into oxygen (which is not plentiful) for us to survive. We, in turn release carbon dioxide, which the tree needs to survive.

Highly evolved beings choose not to clear the land (of trees) to raise cattle to slaughter and eat. Because they know that eroding the speciesystem is not productive, but rather, destructive. They choose to do this rather than serve the desires of one small portion of the system, for they realize that no species within the speciesystem can survive if the system itself is destroyed.

  • Guiding Principles

In a highly evolved beings society, they have two basic guiding principles:

  • We Are All One

Every decision, every choice, all of what we call “morals” and “ethics” is based upon this principle.

  • Everything in the One interrelates.

No one member of a species could, or would, keep something from another simply because “he had it first” or it’s his “possession”, or it’s in “short supply”. The mutual dependency of all living things in the speciesystem is recognized and honored. The relative needs of every species of living organism within the system are always kept in balance – because they are always kept in mind.

  • Ownership

“Personal Ownership” for highly evolved beings can be described as “stewardship” in our language. Highly evolved beings are stewards, not owner.

Highly evolved beings do not possess, they caress. That is, they hold, embrace, love, and care for things, but they do not own them. In our case, they see us as having a “possession obsession”.

Highly evolved beings deeply understand that the physical planet beneath their feet is not something that can be possessed by any single one of them – although they may be granted parcels of land for which to care. If she is a good steward of the land, she may be allowed to pass stewardship on to her offsprings. Yet if at any time they prove to be poor stewards of the land, the land is no longer kept in their care. They will willfully give up their property.

  • Life Span

Highly evolved beings live very long lives. Some beings live forever – for as long as they choose to remain in corporal form. Because of this, individual beings are usually around to experience the long-term consequences of their action.

They are able to live long (in their bodies) because they don’t pollute the air, their water, and their land. They would never consume an animal, much less fill the ground, and the plants which the animal eats with chemicals. They would correctly assess such a practice to be suicidal.

They do not pollute their environment, their atmosphere, and their own corporal bodies, as humans do (smoke, drink alcohol, etc).

They also exhibit different psychological behaviors that equally prolong life. For example, they never worry (thus they don’t have concepts of “stress”). Neither would they “hate”, or feel “rage”, or “jealousy” or panic.

They are able to control their emotions because they understand that all things are perfect, that there is a process in the universe working itself out, and that all they have to do is not interfere with it. Thus, they never worry.

  • No guilt nor shame

Guilt and shame is something which is imposed on a being from outside of itself. It can then be internalized. But then, since they understand that they are One, they do not impose guilt and shame onto themselves.

  • Elders raise children

In highly evolved cultures, elders live closely with the young ones. They are not shuffled off to live by themselves. They are not ignored. Instead they are honored, revered, and held close, as part of a loving, caring, vibrant community.

Elders organize and supervise the learning process, as well as housing, feeding, and caring for the children. Offsprings are raised in an environment of wisdom and love, great, great patience, and deep understanding.

The young ones who gave them life are usually off somewhere, meeting the challenges and experiencing the joys of their own young lives. They may spend as much time with their offsprings as they choose. They may even live in the Dwelling of the Elders with the children.

It is the elders who do the raising, who take the responsibility. And it is an honor, for upon the elders is placed the responsibility for the future of the entire species. And in their societies, it is recognized that this is more than should be asked of young ones.

  • No competition

They realize that when one loses, everyone loses. They therefore do not create sports and games which teach children (and perpetuate to adults) the extraordinary thought that someone “winning” while another is “losing” is entertainment.

They share everything. Thus when another is in need, they would never dream of keeping or hoarding something they had, simply because it was in scarce supply. On the contrary, that would be their very reason for sharing it.

They are also enriched by sharing rare things. They feel “enriched” by sharing everything freely, without needing to “profit”. Indeed, this feeling is the “profit”.

  • Survival of the Fittest

In highly evolved being societies, since the first guiding principle is We Are All One, therefore, the “One” is not fit until the “All” is fit. Because of this, survival of the fittest is impossible.

  • No “Have Nots”

There is no such thing as “the destitute” or “the poor” in highly evolved beings societies. Since they have an awareness of sufficiency, and a consciousness that creates it. Through their consciousness of the speciesystem, nothing is wasted or destroyed of the natural resources in their home planet. This leaves plenty for everyone – hence, “there’s enough”.

  • Living in clusters

They leave in clusters / communities. But for the most part, they have abandoned their version of what we call: “cities” or “nations”. This is because “cities” became too big, and no longer supported the purpose of clustering. They see that grouping together in large cities creates problems (look at our societies — migration).

I have enumerated some of the major characteristics of highly evolved cultures and societies. Next week, I will compare it with the primitive cultures.